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FS2004 - CaptainSim 757 Series complete
Games > PC
105.7 MB

+0 / -0 (0)

Jul 23, 2006

All yet availible CS 757 Blocks:


? Block B (Base Package - 757-200)   

? Block 300 (757-300 Expansion Model)  

GENERAL '757 Captain' BLOCKS:

They are good for and work with all 757 variations (-200, -300 and Freighter)

? Block C - ACE (Aircraft Configuration Editor) utility

? Block E - Custom Sound Set (RR+PW Engines)


A big thank you @justcleversimmer and @wildmans for the great loaders.


Any one got the alphasim Phantom pack 3 yet?
Is it the version 1.1?
Hello Hangar,
sorry for this comment..but I came suspicious about your uploads..!! The Madog 80 cause CTD
The other post with a crack who is good for only 50% of users and released with no warning about the prob!!!
yes I'm very suspicious by now.
REQ. Captain Sim - Yak-3

REQ. LAGO - MIg-21

REQ. Aerosoft - Life in Elba
belga, sorry for this comment.
But u are a mega flamer!

I test it here on 2 machines, and when its works here, why should i assume that it not work @ other machines?

And yes, its 1.1
sorry, i dont know its 1.1, in this moment i had the C130 in mind, she is 1.1 ^^
its all availible, when nobody other it shares, i`ll do it next time.
Req: FLight1 Flight Environment
All other blocks are version 1.0 ! Except 757-300. Please upload the 757-200 version 1.1.
waaay OT.

Can any of you read your messages, i got 7 unread now but they are all hidden under the Carlos poker banner to the right...grrrr.

Anyone else have this prob?

LAGO MG21 = bullshit
Use CS MG21UM, much closer to real (confirmed by former MG21 pilot)

Same here, I thought it was because of language change but obviously not.
just make your window smaller, not fullscreen. Then u can reach your messages.

there is nothing wrong with hangar's uploads, they all work fine for 99 percent of people. Don't cry to the uploaders if a product won't work on your fucked up computer if it works for everyone else.

Radar Contact v. 4
Thanks Hangar,not suspicious at all,my system loves your uploads!LOL
What do I have to do to see the main panel. The VC is there but not the main panel.....???????????
Thanks a lot...
Nice uploads you do Hangar!

If anyone would consider reseeding PSS Dash and/or FlyTampa Vienna Schwechat I would appreciate it, thanks!
captainsim has not released the 2D panel yet i believe
In fact they have had, but it is not of such a big quality.

I would go for Lonny Payne panel
ah ok thanks fabula, didn't know that. I guess there is still no FMS though...

And another request...

Could someone please reseed FlightScenery FlightZone 01 Rhode Island (KPVD) thanks.
@Gusty,just go to and download the wrapper there,and then use Wildman's Flight1 WrapperCrack package here on TPB,and thats it.
I didnt realise those were going on F1 wrappers, thankf for good tip!

Lazy link for FlightScenery Rhode Island
Thanks for this, sugar nuts. As for the aircraft package, it's a premature release on Cap's part. This modular approach just doesn't work for an aircraft. It's as if they are masturbating, rubbing themselves and congratulating each other on the very attractive animations and what not.
lol panadilo I agree the modules thing is stupid

and thanks for the tip stealthfighter
Anyone know what the deal is with the other Captain Sim 757 that was uploaded here a month or so back? I can't find it now cuz search is down, but it's 550.96MB in size, and everyone's stuck on 97.5% for the past few weeks.

Big size difference there - anyone know why?
@stevekasian,these are only version 1.0,and the one in the other F*****ers package was 1.1;)
stevekasian: The 550mb pack includes all the blocks and tons of repaints for the models. In that pack all the installers are of version 1.1 but the seed is stuck at 97.5%. Wish someone could reseed the 550mb 757 package.
REQ. Aerosoft - Life in Elba

REQ. Just Flight - Traffic2005

REQ. Flight1 - Flight Environment
boeing777: "Wish someone could reseed the 550mb 757 package."

Ya, I know - It's fucked up. Too bad you can't open incomplete archives. Aaaah well, so it goes in the torrent scene...
is the 2D panel in this download ?
Req: Angle Of attack 767. For those 767 lovers. THIS IS THE REAL DEAL training, PLZZ SEED training video not out yet. next week OUT!!
Why is the panel like the default fs9 aircraft the boeing 777? no fmc nothing? :(

1-FS2Crew 747

2- CS 757 all updates

3- Angle of Attack 767 DVD
Anyone have a ordernumber so i can download the patch for FSX?
And please seed:)
REQ: CaptainSim patch 1.3 for FSX
Seed this thing plz!
A little comment on the 550Mb CS 757, the only file not working is "Captain Sim 757-200 Repaints.rar", so if you don't want all those repaints, d/l the torrent to a folder and you're fine...
REQ: Captainsim 757 Freighter
req ariane 737-800 v3 !!

or ariane 737-bbj v3
i cant get the bce loader to work =( how do i make it work through admin?
there are no VC gauges in my airspeed indicator, altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator.. n the please!!.. :(:(